Saturday, February 10, 2007

First part of Technology

My topics for the Teen Life Project are things related to technology. Technology has many things but I wanted to get started with the internet. In Goggle I put “effects of technology on teens,” and saw some articles about technology on teens. As I read I understand that school is the place were more teenagers use the internet. Read the copy and paste to see the statistics.

The most recent Pew Internet Project survey finds that 87% of all youth between
the ages of 12 and 17 use the internet. That translates into about 21 million
people. Of those 21 million online teens, 78% (or about 16 million students) say
they use the internet at school. Put another way, this means that 68% of all
teenagers have used the internet at school.

I learned so many teenagers are using the internet at school to do homework, reports, projects, e.t.c. But many kids are doing copy and paste in their homework and the teachers in their schools are getting programs to find out if a kid is cheating or not. In my school if a teacher finds out if you are doing copy and paste you would received a suspension and a zero percent on your project or home work. But I believe that in schools that have low resources don’t have does programs to detect plagiarism. Other thing that I figured out on the internet is that many kids are using internet to see inappropriate contents like pornography, violence or other things that aren’t appropriate for their age. I also learned that kids are staying more time at their house in the computer chatting in messenger or hearing music for a very long time than knowing what is happening in the outside world or playing outside with their friends.

I think that technology has good and bad effects on teenagers all around the world. Some good effects are that it is a good source of information and you can use it to do projects, home works, or other things. I also think that people should not use internet to see inappropriate content because many statistics say that in the last years the average of teenagers using the internet for this bad things that are not for their age. Teenagers are also using the internet to see videos of violence or terrorism. Some videos such as tortures that show many blood and crazy people that do not think in others than him. I also think that spending many times in the computer can damage your vision and you would need to use eyeglasses or contact lenses.

Now that I already kind of finish my first part of my Teen Life Project topic with is technology, I am going to search about other things related to it such as ipods, cell phones, television, and other things. I hope that for the next part of this project I would found the right and much information about my topic. I would try to put information like how does ipods affect teens or how television affects them.

Mr. Hide I didn’t linke to other pages because I didn’t remember how to do it.

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